Monday, February 25, 2013

New Words "vocabulary"

1- Budget: (n) a plan of how much money you will have and how you will spend it.
2- Fresh: (adj) clean or new.
3- Term: (n) a word or group of words.
4- Significant: (adj) important or large enough to be noticed.
5- Actual: (adj) the really happened.
6- Attitude: (n) the way you think, feel, or behave.
7- Consequence: (n) things that follow as a result or effect of something else.
8- Consumer: (n) a person who buys things or uses services.
9- Disposable: (adj) something you can throw away.
10- Factor: (n) one of the things that influence a decision or situation.
11- Feature: (n) an important or noticeable part of something.
12- Habit: (n) something that somebody does very often.
13- Persuade: (v) to cause somebody to do something by giving him good reason.
14- Possession: (n) something that you have or own.
15- Challenge: (v) to say something strongly.
16- Particularly: (adv) in a way that more than usual.
17- Protest: (v) to question whether something is true or right.
18- Normally: (adv) in a usual or ordinary way.
19- Access: (n) a way to enter a place or to use something.
20- Assist: (v) to help someone.
21- Connection: (n) a path of communication for telephone or Internet.
22- Eventually: (adv) after a long time.
23- Furious: (adj) very angry.
24- Install: (v) to put new thing in its place so it is ready to use.
25- Frustrated: (adj) angry or impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want to do.

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