Saturday, March 2, 2013

Reported Crimes 1998 - 2000

This graph shows the average of several crimes happen in different countries. These crimes calculated from the year 1998 to 2000. This figure is a bar graph, so it has two axis. The X axis mean the amount of three crimes in different countries, and the Y axis mean the number of crimes reported for every thousand people. In general, the highest amount of total reported crimes is in UK, and the lowest one in Hong Kong. The three crimes are car thefts, burglaries and robberies, and the most overall one is burglaries. I measured that the reported car in Malaysia and South Africa about the same, so it's about 2, and burglaries in the UK about a third more compared to South Africa, so it's about 14. However, in Saudi Arabia no one is ever robbed, but in Malaysia is about 4 and half, and it has the most robbed between the countries bellow. In conclusion, I can see That the crimes have different amount in shared in different countries.

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